Little Blue Nook
Silver Topaz
Silver Topaz
Astrological Sign of Sagittarius - Elemental
Known as the stone of true love and success of all and "crystal of potency"
Self: Influences you to be more of your individualistic self and promotes creativity!
Feeling: Helps you to have confidence in your decisions! Helps you feel love and joy instead of the negative! Gives trust for the universe(s) to feel comfortable with an outcome. Helps rid you of doubt. Helps communicate with animals and plants.
Energy: Works through the laws of attraction and manifestation. gentle hades act as the catalytic trigger for the activities of manifestation. As the ethereal magnetic field has an effect from an act with the vibratory resonance. There are both negative and positive currents, in both the ends and facets. Different from quartz in how changing currents are connected to the forces of manifestation through desire and attraction. Topaz is a conductor that takes the manifestation to the 'universal mind' to see if good for all and to send the request to become physical in the physical plane. The energy of this stone transcends time and space! Making sure rewards and cooperation around the manifestation are done very well, almost to perfection, as much as possible.
Love: The stone of love!
Mind: Helps one to see the big picture! Helps you to see the need for the big picture in details that do not matter in the long run. Helps you to show your ideas! Increases your ability to reason. Helps you change your awareness level and ideas on what you deserve, helping you to expand there. Helps you to act on what you’re thinking and change your personal world!
Body: Great for manifestation of health too! Helps to correct disorders in the body. Aids in loss of taste buds and to heal skin wounds and breakouts. Associated with the crown chakra.
Stone Matching: With amethyst gives and receives energy from Amethyst. With the law of attraction and manifestation vibrations, Amethysts stabilizes, smooths out and clears obstacles from the energy to vary the undeveloped energies involved into spiritual vibrations! Helping the process! The two are very helpful for both white magic and healing!
Was used in the breastplate of a high priest.
Considered precious by African Bushman by being used in ceremonies to connect with spirits and for health. Also, bringing wealth and health to the holder.
Silver wands are great for conscious focus to both activate and transmit. You can alter atoms in the health aura with direct focus and modify them as well. Very helpful to remove unwanted vibrations in an aura, especially of health aura. Allowing one to reconstruct and do expansion. Great for emotional and mental intensity! The fact the current alternates make the vibration able to amplify for the maximum of the force field and potential energy!
In Gem Water topaz helps to distribute energy in your body. That can be increased by applying tropically. Visualize where you want the elixir to go in your body for desired results.
Vibrates to number 3
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