Little Blue Nook
Red Jasper Raw
Red Jasper Raw
Astrological Sign of Taurus
Self: A stone of empowerment and protection. Giving you strength to resist being dominated by others. Helps you overcome domestic abuse. Aids in the process of healing and recovering from violent sexual experiences. To alleviate stress wear or carry red jasper to connect you to the Earth's grounding energies. Helpful in Shamanic journeying and astral travel. Also, great for vivid dream recall.
Energy: Historically known as the stone of vibrancy and endurance. For warriors and a promoter of life, protection and justice. Helps to cleanse negativity, returning the negative energy to its source. All of that stabilizes your aura. High spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long practices or ceremonies. Great to be worn in both pockets when doing work with and communicating with spirits.
Love: A stone of passion in one’s creative work. The stone encourages control in all things.
Mind: Great to clear the mind during meditation, prayer or when making a decision.
Body: Great stone to rub or hold to get rid of worry. Guards against physical threats, assist in situations of danger. Travel with the stone in a vehicle to prevent accidents, theft or road rage. Placed in the home or office to absorb EMF and environmental pollution and radiation. Wear 2 or 3 small tumble stones to shield yourself when working with spirits. The stones will shield against psychic attacks and people who are psychological disturbed people and people who could be violent. Helps the metabolic energies of the body. Giving strength and vitality and stamina. Helpful for those in a prolonged illness, hospitalization or injury. Aids in generating muscle tissue. Support the circulatory system, strengthens the heart, by detoxify the blood and removing blockages of the bile ducts and liver. Treats anemia, exhaustion, heart conditions (surgeries and bypasses), reducing hemorrhoids, soothes epilepsy and gout and sensory loss of smell. Used for conception, fertility and increasing libido. Is said to stabilize pregnancies, growth and safe childbirth. The crystal is well known for awakening the energetic kundalini "serpent" dwelling at the base of the spine. The spiraling of this energy goes up through the body. Bringing a powerful spiritual experience as it activates, clears and strengthens each of the chakras. Giving each chakra the vital Life Force energies
Vibrates to the number 6