Little Blue Nook
Magical Crystal to Help Reroute Brain Pre-trauma
Magical Crystal to Help Reroute Brain Pre-trauma
Magic that cannot be removed:
Help the person reroute their brain pre-trauma, for the neurological connections, so pre-trauma neurological connections are fired and used; so the person can return to one’s inner child who knows when things are not ok and that you need to be protected. Help their neurological channels receive photosynthesises. Help sunlight go into the penial gland so the penial gland makes serotonin to help them deal with healing trauma. Help like shrooms (universal energy of shrooms) go to the neurological pathways before trauma, when not wanting to deal with trauma, to live in the present. When willing and the person can deal with trauma help the person feel unconditional love from the universes and being supported, to be able go through the trauma and to face the trauma to heal.
Astrological Signs of Capricorn and Pisces
A highly protective and stabilizing stone. Known as the "Genius Stone" or Fluor Spar. Known as a mineral that with a calm stable energy, prevents disorganization, chaos and growth that is not organized.
Self: Useful for harmonizing spiritual energy ad grounding oneself. Increases your intuition strength. Helps to connect you to the universal consciousness.
Energy: Enhances the vibrations of other gems and crystals; and brings order to chaos. Brings responsibility to the forefront, to mix with intuition. Gives way for individuals, relationships and groups to grow, being beneficial to all. Aids one to see the perfection and purity of the universe(s). Bringing understanding to each portion so you see the inherent perfection, to allow the unfolding of the perfect universe(s). Provides purification, cleansing and elimination of all that is not in order.
Mind: Brings focus and concentration, balances all. Represents the highest state of mental achievement. Allowing one to see no limits in all areas of exploration, mixed with creativity. Stimulates the electrical charge of the brain and helps both sides work together. Opens spiritual, mental and psychic awareness. Known to help ease the state of worrying with the focus to achieve. Brings unbiased, detached reasoning and impartiality to help you act, with information, fairly - objectively. Balancing both negatives and positives of relationships in the mind, while helping one to understand the balances intrinsic to relationships.
Body: Gemstone for the heart chakra, throat chakra and third eye chakra. Activates the universal energies to allow the body's nourishing energies. Helps prevent disorders at the beginning of symptoms. Helpful with colds, flu, staph and strep infections, infectious cankers, herpes, ulcers and infections that are similar. Has a history of being used to help treat highly infective and/or violent diseases. Also, great to help protect those working with those affected. Has been used with tumors, at the very first stages in the growth. Helpful with treatment of cell formations and the structure of bones; and assist in prevention of RNA/DNA damage, bringing way for repair.
Vibrates to number 7
Green Fluorite brings a "springtime" cleansing feel. Aids in getting rid of trauma (including sexual trauma) in the body. Takes the power away from negativity in a room, bringing the negative vibrations toward the light and love of the universe(s).
Body: Great for disorders of the stomach, making way for a soothing energy in the intestinal tract. Helpful in colitis, sore throats, heartburn, and similar issues.
Vibrates to number 2
Purple Fluorite is a stone of the third eye. Making way for intuitive abilities and rationality combined. Helping one correctly articulate what is physical. Allows the conscious to connect orderly to spiritual and psychic growth.
Body: Significantly helpful with bones and bone marrow. Aiding the balance within the body, bones and structures of cells. Helps all, emotional, physical, intellectual and/or spiritual of your being to allow healing.
Vibrates to 77
You also get your choice of either a raw clear quartz, raw or polished rose quartz to cleanse your Magical Crystal, of any negativity the Magical Crystal absorbed, to protect you!
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