Little Blue Nook
Magical Crystal to Help Heal Alzheimer
Magical Crystal to Help Heal Alzheimer
Magic that cannot be removed:
Help take out the abnormal proteins where there is an unhealthy balance, as proteins are needed in the brain for a heathy brain. Help the two key proteins that create protein plaques to not go to high limits that is not healthy for the brain. Amyloid and tau are to be decreased to a healthy limit, so they don’t damage nerve cells in the brain and decrease the size of the brain. The hippocampus is usually the first part of the brain affected so please help the hippocampus grow and heal from any abuse and narcissism. Help the hippocampus not decrease so the person can form new memories. Help the amygdala heal so it can increase in size properly from any narcissist abuse and for the nerve cells to not die. Help the person to eat what foods is needed to balance out the amyloid and tau proteins to a healthy balance. Help the chemicals increase that help communication. Increase the neurotransmitters and neurological cells to help increase brain function. Increase the levels of neurotransmitters so communication can increase between neurological connections. Increase the neurotransmitters in the brain, in the nerve cells, helping to preserve brain function. Help people with Alzheimer to feel reassurance.
Blue Calcite
Astrological Sign of Cancer
Self: A stone of peace. Helps you to look at any situation, good or bad, with knowing, "this too shall pass." Green Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions. While also encouraging relaxation. Helps to assist with the manifestation process.
Feelings: Blue calcite helps your throat chakra and helps you communicate in a clear tone with peace. Helps one to focus with clarity on issues. Blue Calcite helps one with the loss of a loved one. Use when working with the Heart Chakra. Helps to bring emotional balance and knowledge of Divine Love. This stone is great for body layouts. Place directly on the Heart Chakra, to create a better connection between the nadis (energy channels) and Chakras.
Energy: Blue calcite brings out a serene and calm energy. Brings the energy of trust - allowing what has been manifested will be received. Great stone for those who tend to gardens, pants and herbs. Helps to dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that hold you back. Aids in time of mental chance or big transitions.
Mind: Blue Calcite helps with improving your memory! Blue calcite helps one to see life optimistically. Helps you maintain mental balance. Helps to release the comfortable, old programs that you may be holding on to out of fear of new ways and/or healthy ways
Body: Helps to lessens anxieties and relaxes your nervous system. Use when working with the heart. This stone is great for body layouts. Stimulates the immune system and helps ease bones that manifested issues in the body, for the bone, ligament and joint issues. Used to rid the bod of infections. Providing a barrier that helps end the effect of dis-eases producing micro-organisms.
*Please note to clean after using the stone after every use. Moon water, moon bath during the full moons, selenite placed near by cleanse gems and placed on any quartz and feeling you remove the negative energy from the crystals. Also, to remove the energy absorbed by the crystal and gem feel with your heart pulling that energy the crystals and gems absorbed out down, parallel into Mother Earth so she can clean the energy!
Vibrates to number 8
You also get your choice of either a raw clear quartz, raw or polished rose quartz to cleanse your Magical Crystal, of any negativity the Magical Crystal absorbed, to protect you!
No returns or exchanges are accepted. All purchases are final.