Little Blue Nook
Honey Calcite
Honey Calcite
Astrology sings: Cancer, Leo, Pisces
Feelings: Helps you get rid of feeling not worth it. Beneficial for those that are depressed when used when focusing on the Root Chakra (see body also). Makes way for confidence, persistence, strength, and patience. Helps releases issues of the sexual nature.
Energy: Can transfer and focus energy. Aids in amplifying energy and your psychic abilities, through your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras. Connects you to the divine perfection of the Universe(s). Connects those chakras, through your Solar-Plexus, to your Root chakra. The stone, brings your body, the divine and angelic energies. Aids you to relax, enjoy life and to allow yourself to. Aids in astral travel, balancing your energy, brings you to be conscious and to a higher consciousness and higher self.
Mind: Aids you in the process of change, and the challenges that arise. When used in mediation can change persistent thoughts or beliefs of not having enough. Calcite is a great stone for the study of sciences and arts.
Body: Brings balance between the Solar and Sacral Plexus Chakras. When the Solar Plexus is focused on your will is increased. Making way for more motivation, that is needed for long term projects and goals. When used while working with the Root Chakra, the stone brings a frequency that has vitality and brings a zest for life. Strengthens your immune system. Aids in issues of the bladder, exhaustion, blood sugar, the female reproductive organs - ovaries, uterus, and menopause; and kidneys.
Great for manifestations grids.
Vibrates to the number 8
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