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Little Blue Nook



Regular price $3.75 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.75 CAD
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Astrological Sign of Capricorn

Self: A stone of transformation and harmony! Useful when going on a personal, spiritual journey. Helps you stop self-limiting ideas. Aids in bringing you back to your personal power and being motivated. Gelena helps with past life recall. Used in past life regression therapy, to be a guide to inner vision.  Gelena will enhance the power of other crystals and stones, giving them clarity and purity.

Feelings: Helps you face and overcome one's deepest fears. Enhances strength, courage, peace, harmony, encourage you to be more living, forgiving, understanding and the ability to face the difficult times. Encourages you to make use of your talents. Helping you bring you dreams into reality.

Energy: Being an Earth stone the stone gives strong grounding properties. Galena enhances the centering of one’s energies. The healing energies of the mineral can detoxify the body when recovering from addiction.

Love: This stone brings in harmony and more love in your relationship. When one is serious about changing, or transforming oneself, or your relationship this stone helps you when in love because the stone helps you embrace the good side and the bad side of yourself.

Mind: By centering and grounding your energies new pathways to wisdom and enlightenment arrive. Helps you to think and see clearly, both sides of an issue before coming to a conclusion. The stone will shine on the darkest parts of you shadow to help you heal. Inspires you to take more calculated risks. Helpful for those studying medicine, and can promote holistic, herbal medicines and homeopathic studies. Bringing insights, and testing when required.

Body: Protects you from effects of radiation and helps you to recover from addictions. Reduces inflammations and skin eruptions. The stone can stimulate blood circulation and improve health of veins. Opens the pathway of the ethereal bodies and physical bodies, stimulating the nervous system and aligning the energies! It can also improve the assimilation of zinc and selenium that will be beneficial to the hair and stimulating healthy growth.

Galena is the principal ore of lead, reactive to chemical treatment. Please, wash hands after handling and do not ingest. Internal elixir of this mineral is not to be done directly; you can channel the vibration with a quartz point to the water jug.

Vibrates to the master number 22

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