Little Blue Nook
Astrology Sign of Libra
Self: This stone teaches you to stand up for yourself. A stone of patience, that helps you take control of your own life. The stone opens the doors of insight, activates the third Eye Chakra (pineal gland). Develops psychic powers, amplifies many psychic abilities, that are earned. And aid if you do psychic work, including in the Astrology Field, or a Tarot Card Readers. Accuracy is enhanced in your interpretation by the stone. Helps correct stubbornness and reduce excitability.
Energy: Powerful for energy for healing. Dumortierite helps you to take the right steps to overcome hardships and find solutions for any problems you face. Aids your stamina in a harsh environment.
Mind: Very stimulating with your brain. Assists with all mental skills and enhancing them, both language and mathematical based. Helps you grow patience. Increase one to see the potential in any and all. Help you see reality as an illusion and illusions are reality. Helps one articulate spiritual ideas and know deeply the blue-violet colour. The blue violet colour gives grounding in love matches.
Body: Assists to getting rid of wasting disorders. To make way for strength to heal and heal the conditions of disease. Gives one insight into what caused the condition so one can heal.
Vibrates to the number 4
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