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Little Blue Nook

Brazilian Agate

Brazilian Agate

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Astrological Sign of Aries

Tied on the end of a willow with twine has led people to find lost items.

Self: Helps you to be strong. Helps you to receive many messages in meditative states, during astral travel. Provides you with a barrier of protection while astral traveling. Helping one to be more comfortable while astral traveling.

Energy: Helps to balance energies of the heart.

Body: Helps bruises, sprains and strains. Helps to ease pain and helps with body issues regarding elimination. Helps to strengthen the walls of the intestines. Restore gastric fluids to be healthy to help digestion. Stabilizes your heart, pulse rate and to increase one’s circulation.

Honoured by Shamen in South America to help you connect to other worlds.  

Non died for direct gem water only helps heart disorders.

Vibrates to the number 2

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