Little Blue Nook
Botswana Grey Agate
Botswana Grey Agate
Astrology sign of Scorpio
A variegated class of chalcedony. Tend to have marking, colour bands and some agates have no patterns.
Self: Balances your physical, emotional and intellectual energies.
Feelings: Helpful in a grieving process. Aids in overcoming depression, helping you to be the person you truly are and want to be. Helps get rid of fears (agoraphobia and panic attacks in crowded places), obsessive thoughts, mental patterns, and repressed feelings. Helps you look for solutions, not to sit and spin in your feelings. Promotes eternal love! And helps you see it is a constant in ever evolving universe(s). Gets rid of distortion. Brings you to your character, allowing you to see detail to bring your feelings to be able to see and understand the big picture.
Energy: Emotional healing energy. The stone is a comfort stone. Lower intensity and slower frequency compared to other stones. Still, the stone will stabilize you and strengthens you. Helpful to explore the unknown. Aids one to have growth towards be more enlightened. Gives you energy! Encourages you to be conscious, aware of your actions and thoughts. Brings strength in seeing things through. Anything that requires inspection, action or strength the stone assist you with having watchfulness.
Body: Stimulates your crown chakra. The stone helps treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Gets rid of toxins from your body. Known to counteract poisons, in the body, intellectually and emotionally.
Vibrates to the number 3
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